As a result of the current global circumstance, we have taken to holding all of our services online via our website, social media and Microsoft Teams. During the pandemic, we have been able to meet up virtually via Microsoft Teams and host some social events to keep everyone's light shining, these events have been quiz nights and social gatherings. We have also recently began to learn music via this platform so that we can once again start #RaisingOurVoice for those with illnesses, disabilities and/or additional need, this includes family members, friends and everyone around them.
We have been overwhelmed by the support that we have received from the community and the funding that we have gained as a thanks to our committee and trustees who are always looking out for streams of funding that we could access to ensure that our support can continue.
We have also been able to create a much more accessible service for our members by purchasing tablet devices to loan out to those in need of technology to enable them to join our weekly gatherings. This could not have been done without the above mentioned funding. The Postcode Lottery Fund, The Moondance Foundation, The Blakemore Foundation, Greggs Foundation, The Card Factory Foundation are amongst those who have been able to support our cause by accepting our applications for funding grants.
"It has been a very difficult time for many of us and having Side by Side to look forward to each week has been a great escape from the negativity around us." - Rikki Pullen, CEO
"This year we have ended up feeling quite isolated from others, in our own little bubbles, and it has been nice to know that Side by Side has always been there to allow us to feel more connected." - Kathy Orriss & Stephen Clark, Choir Members